Innovation in endovascular surgery

Our Mission

our Mission

Innovation is not a word, an idea, or an attitude.

It is the sum of years of study, commitment, dedication, and vision that evolution and progress walk side by side.

Created by doctors that work with endovascular procedures to improve the quality in patients’ health , EVAV changes the state-of-the-art in this field by making minimally invasive techniques simpler and safer.

Evav is the future in the present, the next generation in endovascular medical devices.

The Company

Biomedical engineering and creation of new endovascular medical devices are the soul and core of EVAV, a new global endovascular startup company.

Pushing the oundaries by creating new , greater-visibility, multi-functional endovascular medical devices disruptive technology that allows Endovascular Treatment to be applied old Vascular Surgery problems.

These involves minimizing time, complications, and deaths in all endovascular procedures, with the necessary, yet presently lacking, safety and trustfulness.

Apart from creating, EVAV brings together the best distributors, suppliers, and manufacturer companies worldwide, to make these devices available wherever in the world such endovascular procedures are performed.

Interested in belonging to our chain?

Feel free to contact us!

We are waiting for you!

our Mission
Quality in health TO PATIENTS

Medical devices


  • Guides, Sheaths, and Catethers
  • Embolic Protection and Delivery Systems
  • Toracoabdominal and Ramificated Endoprotheses
  • Neuroendoprotheses (Covered Stents)

Soon we will have the first endovascular MEDICAL ddevice available to global market sales.


Biomedical engineering and creation of new endovascular medical

Phone :
telefone do brasil BR 55-21-993218985

Email :
[email protected]
[email protected]